Oral/Facial Pathology: Understanding and Expert Diagnosis

Oral and facial pathology encompasses the study and diagnosis of diseases, disorders, and abnormalities that affect the mouth, jaws, face, and associated structures.

At Elevated Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we specialize in oral and facial pathology, providing comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment for patients in San Diego, CA. 


Understanding Oral/Facial Pathology

Oral and facial pathology covers a wide range of conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Oral Lesions: These can be benign or malignant growths, ulcers, white or red patches, or any other abnormal changes in the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  • Salivary Gland Disorders: Conditions affecting the salivary glands, such as infections, tumors, or autoimmune diseases, can impact salivary production and oral health.
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ): TMJ disorders involve dysfunction or pain in the jaw joint, causing difficulties with jaw movement, jaw clicking, or chronic pain.
  • Maxillofacial Trauma: Facial injuries resulting from accidents, sports-related incidents, or other traumatic events can cause fractures, dislocations, or soft tissue damage.
  • Oral Cancer: Early detection and diagnosis of oral cancer are crucial for successful treatment. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons play a critical role in identifying and managing oral cancer cases.  

Expert Diagnosis and Treatment

At Elevated Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, our team of experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons specializes in diagnosing and managing oral and facial pathology conditions.

We utilize advanced imaging technologies, including X-rays, CT scans, and biopsies, to accurately assess and diagnose various pathologies.

Upon diagnosis, our skilled surgeons will work closely with you to develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific condition.

Treatment options may include surgical interventions, medication management, or referral to other healthcare specialists, depending on the nature and severity of the pathology. 


Why Choose Elevated Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

  • Expertise: Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons possess extensive training and expertise in diagnosing and treating oral and facial pathologies. You can trust that your care is in the hands of skilled professionals.
  • Comprehensive Approach: We take a comprehensive approach to oral and facial pathology, considering both the functional and aesthetic aspects of your condition to provide the best possible outcomes.
  • State-of-the-Art Facility: Our practice is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and advanced diagnostic tools to ensure accurate and precise diagnoses.
  • Compassionate Care: At Elevated Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we prioritize your comfort and well-being. Our compassionate team will provide the support and guidance you need throughout your treatment journey.
  • Collaborative Approach: We collaborate closely with other healthcare providers, including dentists, oncologists, and radiologists, to ensure seamless coordination of care for complex cases. 

Schedule a Consultation

If you are experiencing symptoms or have concerns related to oral or facial pathology, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Elevated Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Our skilled team will conduct a thorough evaluation, provide an accurate diagnosis, and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs. Trust us to provide you with exceptional care and help you achieve optimal oral and facial health.

Meet Our Team


Dr. James H. MacDowell, DDS

Oral Surgeon

The Proof is in Our Patients

Conveniently Located

Our practice is conveniently located in the beautiful city of San Diego, CA. Whether you are a local resident or visiting from out of town, we are easily accessible, ensuring that your oral surgical needs are met with convenience and ease.

Schedule a Consultation

Your oral health is our top priority. Schedule a consultation with Dr. James MacDowell at Elevated Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery today and experience the highest level of oral surgical care in San Diego, CA. Together, we can elevate  your smile and transform your life.
